The outstanding comedian actor Pierre Richard, who after the death of Louis de Funes has no equal in France, spent three whole months on the banks of the Kur in Tbilisi. Here he starred in the film Nana Dzhordzhadze “1001 recipe lovers culinary.” The tape tells about the adventures of the Parisian chef, who by the will of fate finds himself in Tiflis during the Bolshevik revolution.
Pierre Richard: “I was fortunate enough to spend three months … in Tbilisi. Georgians are something special! I love them very much. They are by nature artists. All my Georgian friends know how to play the piano, the violin. They sing beautifully, and in different voices. … They have souls like children. ”
After the premiere of the film, Pierre Richard on French television said the following phrase: “In Georgia, I generally understood how to live and enjoy life. I remember everything: how we sang, drank, and smoked! I have never had such a happy and beautiful birthday that we celebrated there. My God, I cannot understand – when did we work? ”
“1001 one recipe for a passionate chef” brought success, was nominated for an Oscar as the best foreign film. And at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, Pierre Richard received his first prize in life for the best male role. On this occasion, he was joking: “I’m filming for forty years, did I really have to act in a Georgian director’s place so that I would finally be appreciated.”
When Pierre Richard, before leaving home, was asked what he remembered most of all in Georgia, he was among the first to call the culture of the Georgian feast. 10 years later, someone from the Georgian Bohemia visited Pierre Richard in France: “We drank his own wine, and it was funny how he spoke traditional Georgian toasts in French and remembered Georgia which had taught him the art of toast-master”.